Overcoming Physical Symptoms of Anxiety
High Quality Therapy
We Provide High Quality Therapy in Locations across London
In-person or web-based consultations
Dr Stuart Psychologhists is a group of highly skilled therapists who all have at least 15 years of experience of working as a clinical or counselling psychologist. We have extensive experience in resolving problems ranging from from stress management to complex PTSD for our clients. We work with people from all backgrounds, including C-level executives, doctors, lawyers, couples, families, and people in the public eye. We are warm and empathetic, so please do get in touch to see how we can help you.
We have consulting rooms in a number of locations across London where we can see clients face to face. We also provide video consultations.
Services we offer
As Clinical and Counselling Psychologists, we are able to draw upon a number of different treatments. However, the main treatment is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), as this is the treatment recommended by NICE. Treatment is short-term and in our experience clients usually see significant improvement by 12 sessions.
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Psychological Assessments
Tailored Treatments
What Our Clients Say
Chief Technology Officer
"Dr Stuart has been integral to my recovery and I can’t thank her enough. She has a very special manner that makes
discussing hard issues far easier. I also really appreciate the tips she gives for practical ways to improve away from
“I found Dr Stuart to be a tremendous support to me and my sessions with her were invaluable in helping me address the anxiety issues I faced. ”
Answering on behalf of our daughter. We were extremely happy with treatment, especially as treated
poorly by her school at the time. She recovered well and since stopping treatment has not had a single
recurrence of any issues. She is happy, healthy, very optimistic and performs very well at school.
Get in touch to book a consultation
Office hours are 09:00 - 17:00 Monday to Friday.
We have some evening and weekend appointments available.
Call 020 3488 2438 for an appointment or use the form below.